Parvatasana (Mountain Pose) Steps & Benefits

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Benefits of Parvatasana / Mountain Pose

1.      Parvatasana stretches the spine. It helps practitioners below 18 years to gain some height.
2.      The stretch in this pose reduces extra fat in the back and waist.
3.      It tones the abdominal muscles and hence stimulates the inner organs in the abdominal region.
4.      It sets right respiratory disorders including asthma.
5.      As you stretch your arms straight, your triceps and biceps receive good work out.
6.      It helps to reduce back pain.
7.      It improves the ability to stay focused.


People suffering from knee problems and reeling sensation should not do Parvatasana. Those who are unable to do Padmasana can practice Parvatasana in Sukhasana posture.
