Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana (Upward facing intense stretch)

Video courtesy: Ventunotech.com

Practice of Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana

Exhale: Lie on the back. Bring the legs straight over the head. Grab the outside of the feet, as in a, or bend the knees,
Inhale: Roll up and balance on the seat bones, holding the outside of the feet. Bring your chest towards the thighs, or hold the legs with the hands, stay here for 5 long deep breaths
Exhale: Lower the legs down.

Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana Benefits

1.       Lengthens leg muscles, can help relieve backaches, and prevent hernia.
2.       As in Paschimottanasana/forward fold, helps tone kidneys, and abdominal organs.
3.       Stretches the hamstrings on the back of the legs
4.       Stretches and lengthens the entire spine
5.       Massages the internal organs, especially the digestive organs
6.       Relieves digestive problems such as constipation
7.       Relieves problems with sciatica
8.       Invigorates the nervous system
9.       Stimulates manipura chakra (solar plexus center)
10.    Balances the prana within the body
11.    Calms the mind
12.    Improves concentration

Courtesy: mylifemystuff.wordpress.com
