28 Home Remedies for Clogged Arteries. Clear Blocked Arteries Naturally - Part 2

8. Chia seeds

When included everyday as a major aspect of a heart-healthy diet plan, the fiber and alpha-linolenic acid contained in just two ounces of chia seeds can help in keeping arteries clear by regulating blood pressure, decreasing LDL cholesterol, bringing down triglycerides, and increasing HDL cholesterol.

9. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds have compound called ‘saponins’ which reduces the level of the artery-clogging LDL cholesterols. Fenugreek seeds contain high amount of fiber that plays major role in reducing bad cholesterol level.

1.      Soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water overnight. In the next morning, consume these seeds along with the same water on an empty stomach to unclog your arteries.

2.      Another alternative is to add 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds powder to 1 ½ cup of water. Boil the seeds for 5-6 minutes, strain the water and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Drink this water twice a day.

10. Red Yeast Rice

Red yeast rice contains natural monacolins that can reduce the level of LDL cholesterol and lessens the risk of having a heart attack and strokes.

It also contains compound like beta-sitosterol, phytosterols, campesterol, isoflavones, stigmasterol and many vital minerals that are excellent for overall cardiovascular health.

1.      Simply cook red yeast rice and eat it like any other white and brown rice.
2.      Another alternative is to take red yeast rice supplements.  A recommended dose is 1,200 mg of red yeast powder in the form of tablets or capsules, twice daily with food.

11. Ginger

Ginger contains compounds like shogaols and gingerols that have cardiovascular benefits. Ginger can prevent plaque buildup or reduce existing plaque by lowering total cholesterol level and blocking oxidation of LDL.

1.      Drink cup of ginger tea 2-3 times a day. Simply add one teaspoon of grated ginger to your regular boiling tea. You can add a little honey to it.
2.      Or eat a small piece of raw ginger or a teaspoon of fresh ginger paste along with 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach every day.

Warning: Avoid following these ginger remedies if you have gallstones or gallbladder problems or if ginger causes heartburn or gastric upset.

12. Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich source of monounsaturated oleic acid which is an essential fatty acid (EFA) acknowledged for its positive effects on oxidative stress in the blood stream and overall cholesterol levels. Olive oil can reduce the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases by up to 35-40%. So use olive oil in your regular diet.

1.      Mix 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil with 1 teaspoon of honey and pinch of black pepper. Consume it two times daily.

2.      Add half teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey to one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and consume it once or twice a day to clear clogged arteries. 

13. Green Tea

1.      Drink cups of lukewarm green tea 2-3 times a day to keep the arteries from bad cholesterol or LDL.
2.      You can also take Quercetin and Tocotrienols for ensuring the progress in unblocking arteries to bring the normal blood flow level.

14. Pomegranate

This fruit is rich in antioxidant phytochemicals that help protect the circulatory system from damaging oxidation, which causes blood clots and plaque buildup in the arteries. 

Pomegranate also stimulates production of nitric oxide in the blood that helps open arteries and regulates blood pressure.

      1.      Try to eat 1 or 2 fresh pomegranates every day.
      2.      You can also drink a glass of fresh pomegranate juice once a day in the morning.

15. Asparagus

It is one of the best vegetables for clearing arteries; asparagus is loaded with fiber and minerals, vitamins B1, B2, C, E and vitamin K.  Consumption of asparagus can help to reduce blood pressure. It also prevents blood clots that cause serious cardiovascular diseases. Consume boiled or steamed asparagus daily for maximum vitamin potential.  

16. Coconut Oil

It is only myth that all saturated fats are bad and the main cause of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.  Moderate consumption of pure coconut oil (about 1-2 tablespoons per day) can reduce plaque build-up in the arteries. 

Coconut oil contains lauric acid & medium-chain triglyceride which improves blood coagulation to carry out antioxidant functions in the blood stream, thus it reduces the risk of heart diseases.

17. Cold-water Fish

Fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel can help to clear clogged arteries.  Consume these fish 2-3 times a week to reduce inflammation and plaque build-up that leads to heart diseases and strokes.  Regular consumption of these cold-water fish can reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol in the blood stream naturally.

