Quick Home Remedies for Acid Reflux in Babies, infants, kids - Part 3

10. Diet of Nursing Mother

Breastfeeding mother’s diet has a direct influence on a baby’s overall health including his/her growth. So breastfeeding mothers should be very serious about their diet.

What to eat?

1.    Consumption of pro-biotic yogurt daily by breastfeeding mothers will improve their own as well as baby’s digestive system.

2.    Nursing mothers must drink enough water throughout the day to keep body hydrated, because water in main part of breast milk.

Avoid this

1.    Avoid dairy products immediately, because it contains certain proteins that may disturb baby’s undeveloped digestive tract.
2.    Try to avoid eggs, wheat, gluten, soy, nuts and citrus.
3.    Minimize fried or spicy food, high-fat food, chocolates, caffeine and carbonated drinks.
4.    Avoid smoking, tobacco and consumption of alcohol.

Additional Tips

1.        Hold your baby upright for at least 20 to 30 minutes after feeding. For new born babies it is necessary to hold them in sitting position until they burp. Never forget to do this and there will be no sign of acid influx
2.        Feeding the baby smaller amounts of food throughout the day, at regular interval, will also help.
3.        Do not put your child down immediately after feeding.
4.        Don’t let your baby overeat.
5.        Consult your doctor before giving the baby any kind of solid food.
6.        You can provide thickened feeds to the baby as it may also be effective for babies, especially those who vomit. But doctor’s consultation is necessary before you do it
7.        Avoid any tight clothing, such as tight diapers or elastic waistbands, while sleeping.
8.        If your child still feeds on bottle then check the bottle’s nipple size. A smaller nipple will make your baby gulp air while eating and a larger nipple will speed up the flow of milk.
9.        Avoid rough handling or bouncing your baby.
10.     Avoid exposing your baby to tobacco smoke as it is highly toxic.
11.     Contact you doctor if you suspect any type of food allergy or intolerance.

