Relieve Menstrual Cramps - Magical Acupressure Points
The art of massaging certain acupuncture points is
called acupressure. It promotes blood circulation and reduces pain. There
are specific points, which when pressed creates change at two levels.
Physical level - it relieves muscular tension,
improves blood circulation and also impacts certain other physiological
parameters. Acupressure helps one to get better faster. One doesn't have to
massage all points but one or two most important ones when they are free would
be very effective.
Here are few important acupuncture points:
1. Point A
Location: Pelvic area – located at the centre
point of the fold where one’s leg connects to the body’s trunk.
Benefits: This is a
vital location which when given acupressure, releases menstrual cramps,
abdominal pains and other discomforts.
2. Point B
Location: Pelvic area – located at the centre
point of the fold where one’s leg connects to the body’s trunk.
Benefits: This is a
vital location which when given acupressure, releases menstrual cramps,
abdominal pains and other discomforts.
3. Point C
Location: Below
the belly button – distance equal to two fingers’ width.
Benefits: When this area is given
acupressure, it alleviates the following issues:
vaginal discharges
4. Point D
Location: Below
the belly button – distance equal to four fingers’ width.
Benefits: When this area is given
acupressure, it eases the following issues:
vaginal discharges
5. Point E
Location: Sacrum
- at the bottom of the spine straight above one’s tall bone.
Benefits: Giving acupressure here relieves
one from menstrual cramps and also lower-back pain, which one commonly suffers.
The following
exercise provides relaxation to your uterus and relieves menstrual cramps:
down on your back
your hands beneath the base of your spine – your hands should be placed on tip
of the each other.
steady & firm pressure on the sacral points for two minutes
Also read - Menstrual pain & blood flow problems - best spices & kitchen remedies
Also read - Menstrual pain & blood flow problems - best spices & kitchen remedies
6. Point F
Location: One
to two fingers’ widths outside your sacrum and halfway connecting the top of your
hipbone and the bottom of your buttocks.
Benefits: When this area is given
acupressure, it provides relief from the following issues:
7. Point G
Location: Above
the inner end of your ankle at about four fingers’ width, nearer to the back of
your shinbone.
Benefits: Provides relief with respect to:
vaginal discharge
Pregnant Ladies should not stimulate this acupressure point during your eighth, ninth months!
Pregnant Ladies should not stimulate this acupressure point during your eighth, ninth months!
8. Point H
Location: Upper
arch of your foot, about a thumb’s width from the ball of your foot.
Benefits: Provides relief from:
· Abdominal spasms
· Menstrual cramps
· Bloating
The two best
acupressure points for getting relief from cramps:
1. Stomach 36
In acupuncture jargon, it is
referred to as ST 36, and is one of the vital points, commonly used point in
acupressure. When one wants to get relief from menstrual cramps, their ST 36 should
be gently examined. During this examination, if the muscles at this region are
tight, then with one’s thumb, the area should be pressed strongly. This would
reduce pain & cramps.
You should pay caution as this area might be sensitive and adding a lot of pressure could lead to bruising. If the muscles at this area are weak, then it is recommended to rub gently rather than strongly.
You should pay caution as this area might be sensitive and adding a lot of pressure could lead to bruising. If the muscles at this area are weak, then it is recommended to rub gently rather than strongly.
Benefits: Improves
General health
Improves digestion
Stomach aches
How to locate ST 36:
One inch below your knee, you can
locate a bump on the bone - this is referred to as the tibial tuberosity.
ST 36 is at level with the base of your
tibial tuberosity – about a thumb’s width in the direction of the outside of
your leg.
2. Spleen 6
Referred to as Sp 6, spleen 6 is a vital
point that aids in reducing menstrual cramps, regulating menstrual cycle,
improving one’s energy and in reducing pain. This point robustly moves one’s
natural energy (Qi/ chi) and blood. Not only this, it also helps to generate Qi.
Stimulating Sp 6 helps to improve digestion, kindle energy and also to reduce
pain. It can also prevent cramps and is also effective in treating acute
How to locate Sp 6
1. This point is located at the
inside of your calf, on the center line of the leg.
2. Keep your hand on top of your
inner ankle bone, at around four fingers’ width.
3. These points aid in easing cramps and to prevent cramps.
3. These points aid in easing cramps and to prevent cramps.
Pregnant Ladies should not stimulate this acupressure point during your pregnancy.
Pregnant Ladies should not stimulate this acupressure point during your pregnancy.
Acupoints PMS Cramps – Back of the Body
Location: Straight over one’s sacrum & on the sides of the sacrum about three inches in diameter from the fold where the cheeks of one’s buttocks meet.
How to stimulate this point
1. You can initiate by pressing the skin close to your sacrum in a consistent manner.
2. Follow the shape of your sacrum
3. Hold to each point for at least 30 seconds or more (you can do this until you sense the point release a little)
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